Okay, so I have gone on silent running for a couple of months, but I have good cause. I just figured it was time to come on here to explain why.
Immediately following my last post, in fact the next day, I was arrested, just as I foresaw. The reason was allegedly violating terms of the probation sentence that I had challenged through the habeas filed the day before, but even the reasons given were frivolous (charging that I had not gained employment in only two months and that I had not paid for allegedly court-ordered "treatment"). The end result was that this was a vexatious and retaliatory act, but it kept me incarcerated for over six weeks while my life and court access was once again severed. In the end, the State agreed that the alleged violations had no grounds, but the message that was sent was crystal clear - if I continued to openly fight what they have done, to expose their corruption on here, they have no qualms against doing this all over again...
And so I have, reluctantly, decided to end my public postings. I need my freedom out here to prove my innocence and provoking corrupt authorities in this way will only result in my being arrested and detained again - perhaps this time for longer than six weeks.
This does not mean that I have abandoned my efforts to expose these corrupt officials. It only means that my methods are changing and I will not be telegraphing my moves. If anyone wants to know more of my private plans, they can still email me at ron_glick@yahoo.com - so long as I remain free, I guarantee I will respond.
In the end though, I feel I have proven my point pretty well - I remain a political prisoner because the local authorities have a vendetta against me. When I challenge the powers-that-be, I get retaliated against. My recent incarceration is bona fide proof of that. I have said all along that this entire fiasco was a malicious act designed to quash my legal claims; the action taken by State agents in recent months prove that this agenda is ongoing. What further proof could anyone need?
And so I bid adieu for now. But for anyone finding this blog and caring about what happens to me, just remember that I have no given up - I have only changed direction...
I am and remain,
Ron Glick
Political Prisoner since 2004
Monday, June 15, 2009
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