Tuesday, March 17, 2009

[*]'s Bio, Part IV (ACGA Cont., Part VIII)

    Hopefully, this will be my final input on [*]'s background. Also, this should be the last bit of fill-in that I should have to do before moving into the details of what actually happened after the events attested to in the original "Another Case of Gov Abuse" posting back in December, 2003.
    As I have said repeatedly in this thread, [*] had many emotional problems stemming from her years of abuse at the hands of [*]: she had temper flare-ups, problems with honesty, issues with seeking unwarranted attention (even negative attention), suffered in her grades and she was completely amoral about consequences to anyone else when she would create scenarios to get people to pay attention to her. This is not to say that she had no feelings for anyone else, just that she never stopped to consider how what she did might harm other people and once done, stubbornly resisted setting things straight, because then people would stop paying attention to her.
    All of this came to a head on November 13, 2003, a week before the penultimate intervention of Child and Family Services (CFS). As was common, [*] and I drove the children into town from our home near Bigfork (4234 Foothill Road, for anyone wanting geography) early in the morning so [*] could go to her other job working a Wendy's (she worked the early AM shift). This usually involved [*] getting us all to Arcadia before 6 am, her leaving for work, and the rest of us camping out and catching some more sleep before we all had to go our various directions. In the school year, this meant the kids could get roughly an hour's more sleep before getting up to go to school, and I could usually go back to sleep after they left for a little while before getting ready to open the store around 9 am.
    [*] was always a hard person to get motivated in the mornings. She was hard to get up to go into town, and once she laid back down, she was hard to get back up. Typically, unless she was watched, she would just lie back down and go back to sleep. [*] was always irritable in the mornings, no matter how much sleep she had had and when she was irritated, she would lash out, both verbally and physically, at anyone else around her. This was pretty much the standard gamble any of us had to deal with in the mornings with [*] - sometimes she would just be sulky, other times she could get downright violent. And never with any good reason.
On the morning of November 13th, it was pretty much one of [*]'s worse mornings. She was agitated upon being woken up that morning to come into town, and she was still angry when she was woken up to go to school. She was yelling, stomping her feet, and basically acting out as much as she could. She was yelling at her sister and John, and I recall having to stop her from hitting her sister that morning (who, by the way, was almost always in a good mood when waking up - polar opposite to [*]).
    Now, as one may recall, [*] had already gone through the initial stages of her allegation, had had it contracted by counselor Edith Paxman, had actually recanted the allegation entirely, and we had moved to try reuniting our households. However, [*] had also been seeing her school counselor, Mary Jane Foxx, who, as I had previously mentioned, pretty much took everything [*] said as gospel truth, even when [*]'s stories would more often than not end up proving to be untrue (see my previous posting for an example). But Ms. Foxx had a crusaders complex, always looking to find someone to save, and she latched onto [*] as a pet project, seeking to find reasons to believe that [*] needed help all the time. Of course, [*] ate up the attention and did whatever she could do to keep Ms. Foxx providing it. And, [*] being the consummate actress she was, paid close attention to whatever Ms. Foxx told her, picking up on words and phrases that she could use to make her stories more believable.
    On this particular morning, after I had gotten [*] and the other two ([*] and John) up, [*] insisted on just sitting on the couch, not getting ready. She still had to get her shoes on and gather her things (she never got undressed or anything once we got to the store, though in [*]'s case, she normally slept in her clothes anyway, even when [*] and I protested). John and [*] were ready, but [*] was not.
    From previous experience, I knew better than to leave [*] alone. But [*] was upset that I would not leave the room. I sat down on the couch and tried to get her to calm down and get ready, but all she wanted to do was yell at everyone. Eventually, she yelled out that I was making her "uncomfortable". I recognized that this was not something [*] would normally say, and knew this was something she had picked up. I asked her how I was supposedly making her uncomfortable and what she meant by that, but [*] could not answer. She just kept saying that I was and that I should leave.
    Since I was not touching her or in anyway doing anything inappropriate (and John and [*] were also in the room), I saw this as an effort of [*]'s to simply try ordering me around. I recognized that when [*] could not explain what I was allegedly doing to make her supposedly uncomfortable, I knew she was just miming something Ms. Foxx had fed her. As with the "fondling" example with Edith Paxman, [*] had been fed a term that she did not know the meaning to and when confronted about it, she just got angrier.
    Eventually, I got [*] to put on her shoes and get ready for school, but she did it with loud grunts and stomping of her feet, acting more like a three year old throwing a tantrum than anything else. By the time [*] went to leave out the door, I had had enough. I stopped her (verbally, not physically) before she left the room and told her that this had gone too far and that when her mother came home that night, we would all have a long talk about this because I was not going to go through another morning like that. [*] only growled, turned away and stomped out, slamming the door behind her.
    [*] was not done yet though. One of the many things [*] had been doing over the preceding weeks to get Ms. Foxx's attention was to make threats of suicide (an old stunt she had been threatening to her mom since I had first known her, over a year before [*] and I were together - it was always yelled at her mom in such a way that I truly believe it was more an effort to hurt her mom than any real intent at self-harm). Ms. Foxx, unlike [*], gave [*] extra attention when she heard [*] talk about suicide. But [*] soon learned that if she just made threats alone, the attention wained. And so [*] was always trying to escalate the threat to get more and more attention.
    For example, when [*] first made the threats, Ms. Foxx took [*] out of class at the drop of a pin, and [*] really enjoyed this special treatment. But after awhile, when [*] only made threats, the attention slackened. Ms. Foxx asked [*] if she had thought of how she was going to kill herself, and when [*] had no answer, Ms. Foxx took it as a sign that [*] was not too serious about it. So [*], being the quick study she was, thought up a way to kill herself (by drinking chemicals from the janitor's closet), and that got Ms. Foxx to start paying attention again. But Ms. Foxx would get [*] to sign a "no harm agreement", in which [*] promised not to harm herself, and Ms. Foxx would consider the crisis over and let [*] go back to class. Again, the attention had begun to wain and [*] needed a way to escalate the attention.
    On November 13th, she went to school in a rage, knowing she was facing punishment when she went home. [*] wanted attention, and once again made the vocal threat to kill herself. Ms. Foxx took [*] out of class, where [*] raged about how her and I had gotten into a fight and she wanted to kill herself because her mom would believe me, not her, when she got home (forgetting that John and [*] were also present to support what had really happened). Ms. Foxx asked [*] to sign a no harm agreement, but [*] knew that signing it would only get her sent back to class, and would not get her out of the trouble she was already in. And so she refused to sign anything.
    What [*] did not understand was that refusing to sign a no harm agreement triggered intervention. As school counselor, Ms. Foxx was able to have [*] committed to suicide watch at the local treatment center, Pathways. The school had a police liaison (ironically, Doug Overman who had been the detective in the Kapispell Police Department investigation) who made a report and made it clear that [*] was emotionally distraught and wanted to harm herself. He inquired into the argument and even [*] stated that I had done nothing inappropriate, just that I would not let her get ready without supervision. [*] was therefore committed to suicide watch at Pathways, where she was when I actually filed the suit against Kalispell on November 18, 2003.
    Okay, still more to tell and I am running out of time. Guess I will have to finish this tomorrow...

Ron Glick
Political Prisoner since 2004

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