Thursday, March 12, 2009

[*]'s bio (ACGA Part V)

    There is one more bit of background I need to detail before getting into now material. Again, I left this information out of the original post primarily for space reasons - the Geocities site was a pain to work with back then... Still is, really, as the recent corruption of Part III of the original ACGA posting a couple weeks back showed... This blog works so much better for this purpose... At any rate, I need to give some background on [*], especially as it was a contributing factor to how things went down.
     [*] admittedly had a difficult young life. Her mother ([*]) and father ([*]) divorced when she was somewhere around three years old. And when her mother remarried, she married an abusive, controlling man ([*]) who treated her like garbage. Of course, it did not start that way - as is common with most abusive people, [*] began by ingratiating himself to [*] and her daughter. But of course, the ingratiation was all designed to get [*] to cede control of her life to him...
     One of the things that [*] did was to insist upon adopting [*]. This may not seem an inappropriate thing on the surface, save that [*] insisted on having the adoption finalized before he was married to [*]. Years later it would be learned that [*] actually went to [*] and threatened him in order to compel [*] to relinquish his parental rights. And that also requires some explanation.
     This part is a little grey on specifics, but as I have it, Dixie [*] played a part in [*]'s divorce from [*]. She told [*] that [*] was cheating on her with a thirteen year old girl, and later [*] revealed that Dixie had told him that [*] was cheating on him with some young guy, as well. [*] insists she was never unfaithful to [*] and [*] insists that while he was with [*], he was faithful as well. I am only a third party in all of that because it all happened years before I ever met [*], but I tend to lean toward believing what someone tells me unless I have reason to believe otherwise. I only mention this part because of a similarity to what happened with [*].
     Now, as I understand it, [*] was single for a couple of years before she ended up with [*]. And [*] wasted little time in trying to replace [*] as [*]'s father figure. He apparently was avid with [*] about letting him be [*]'s father and to basically force [*] out of his own daughter's life. But [*] was the natural father and had full parental rights - as I was told, [*] was something of a lax individual, lazy and unmotivated, and [*] used this to his advantage in convincing [*] to give him premier status as father in [*]'s life. And, conveniently enough, [*] had started seeing a new girl, a thirteen year old (irony or something else, I don't know, but this was years after Dixie's allegation that divorced them) who seemed to command all of [*]'s attention. When [*] approached [*] about the adoption, [*] offered no resistance and signed over his parental rights to [*]. Shortly afterwards, [*] moved to Canada with his soon-to-be wife and [*] thought that was the last of that.
     Years later, after I had started seeing [*] for several months, [*] ran into [*] at a grocery store in Kalispell. When [*] learned that [*] had left [*], he revealed an interesting story - it turns out, prior to [*] going to [*], [*] had gone to him and told [*] that he was going to report him as a sex offender for dating a thirteen year old if he did not sign over his parental rights. [*] panicked and complied, then moved to Canada to escape the potential threat of [*] reporting him anyway. In Canada, thirteen is legal age and [*] was able to marry his girl and settle down to have a family. But it was [*] who had initiated the whole thing, and of course, [*] knew nothing of the threat or the real reason for [*] signing away his parental rights.
     I mention all of this to demonstrate that [*] was a dangerous control freak. As I said, he made a point of insisting that [*] help him adopt [*] prior to their getting married - a hook that gave [*] absolute control over [*]'s daughter. But once he had that control, his interest in [*] began to wain. Once [*] married him, the interest became indifference. And once [*] had a new daughter with [*] ([*]), [*]'s interest turned to abuse. From that point on, [*] was to blame for everything and [*] was the favored child. But it did not end with favoritism - [*] did some horrid things to [*] growing up, including bashing her head through a wall and putting a gun up to [*]'s head threatening to shoot her! His abuse to [*] in fact, by slugging her full strength in the stomach, was the final straw that led to [*]'s divorce of [*].
     [*] had always been violent to [*], though she had been able to protect herself from it, but she had never directly witnessed [*] strike [*] until the slug in the stomach. And even after [*] witnessed it first-hand, still she wanted to try to make her marriage work. If not for the support of myself and Carrie Beth Mountjoy pointing out to her how unhealthy that kind of relationship was, [*] may still have been married to [*] to this day. But, thankfully, [*] saw the light and divorced [*].
     Unfortunately, the mental damage had been done to [*]. Later counselors determined that [*] had post-traumatic stress disorder. It resulted in [*] acting out emotionally, doing poorly in school, having a compulsive habit of lying, seeking attention (even negative attention) and making innumerable suicide threats. These were problems that [*] had long before I entered the picture, and I witnessed them first-hand many times, even before [*] and I started dating in 2001. Ironically, I was later blamed for all of these emotional problems of [*]'s... It just made the corrupt officials' jobs easier to say I caused it all. And of course, the "attorney" working for me would not challenge the position of the State (That's too much to go into as yet, but I hope to get to it eventually in this blog...).
     Basically, all of this is foundation for what happened next in the saga. Specifically, [*]'s threats of suicide and her penchant for dishonesty fed right into the hands of those who wanted an excuse to bring me down... Hopefully, I will be able to get into all of that tomorrow...

Ron Glick
Political Prisoner since 2004

1 comment:

  1. it is sad that this happens! i have know ron for a number of years, had my children around him and also left them in his care while i worked and such! ron never approched chilren as a monster like the kalispell officials are trying to make him out to be! he is a loving man and not this horrible person at all....

    that being said the stories about Kalispell being corrupt are indeed very true. I know first hand and here is why i say this...

    i was sick no insurance so i had gone to a free clinic in kalispell where i found out i had pnemonia in both lungs, laringitus and the list goes on...

    i was a sick girl and should have been in the hospital but being a single mom, no insurance, and really not having any one to take care of my kids full time i went home did my best and asked for help from people i trusted for a few hours at a time.

    well it so happened that the one person i thought i could trust to help me take care of my children fell asleep and my children got out of my home and wondered miles by the time i woke up in a panic and made the mistake of calling 911 for help.

    my children were found a mile away at party time and guess what i was arrested for neglect! and so was the person i trusted to help me out!

    my children were taken away to child protective services and me in jail (the one and only time i had ever been arrested) i went up in front of the judge and he seeing this was not me just neglecting my children assured me that i would get my children back and released me from jail! no charges filed... now i got home and called cps and told them the judge said i was found innocent and that i should have my children back.. cps said they didnt go by the rules of kalispell and i would not be getting my children back any time soon.

    so all weekend i sobbed it was the first and last time i had ever been away from my children i was sick and heart broke!

    monday morning i and this friend went to cps to talk to the case workers i went in by myself and tried to explaine plead my case and she told me i would not be getting my children back for a very long time.

    I cried started sobbing begging for my children. just then this friend of mine comes in and is flirting with this fat cow of a cps worker she was so happy with some one paying attention to her that she changes her mind and gives my children back...

    dont get me wrong i am greatful that it only took some one to flirt with such a pig of a woman that she gave my children back but felt a little let down by kalispells in justice to the whole situation....

    it happens all the time there and there are several people this has happened to...

    Kalispell Mt is the worst place on earth for the corrupt ways the offical's are allowed to run things....
